The scandal surrounding Facebook isn’t showing any signs of stopping. This week there have been multiple revelations and changes happening at Facebook. If you’re having trouble keeping track of it all, don’t worry you’re not alone. Here is everything that has gone down this week so far. Cambridge Analytica The data...Read More
A little over a year ago we questioned whether QR Codes were cool again. Snapchat’s Snapcodes seemed to have breathed new life into this once dead technology. But now that Snapchat’s cool factor has faded (thanks in part to that awful layout update) QR codes seem to still be in limbo. Much to our...Read More
It’s looking like influencer marketing will be here to stay for a while. While there are certainly some dangers involved, an influencer marketing campaign can be incredibly successful when executed correctly. By far the most important part is to select the right influencer to post about your product. With more people becoming influencers’ every day...Read More
Here’s the latest news on what happened in Social Media this week: YouTube After a steady stream of backlash for failing to police inappropriate or offensive content, YouTube has announced they’re creating an “Intelligence Desk”. It’s been described as a multi-pronged early detection initiative that is supposed to catch controversial content before it...Read More
Fake news. It’s a statement that has been uttered so many times this past year it’s lost a bit of it’s meaning. You can’t go a day without hearing President Trump sling it at the media or the tech industry buzz about it in regards to Russian meddling. The Internet has always been a...Read More
It can be overwhelming to think about the vast number of posts that get shared on Facebook daily. That volume is about to get smaller though, as Facebook has made a stunning announcement. They are moving towards penalizing content that engages in what people call “engagement begging” or “engagement bait”. What is engagement...Read More
Most companies finally realize the power and necessity of social media marketing these days. It’s taken awhile to get here, but now it’s laughable to see a company try to make it without any social media presence. Users spent over a third of all time on the Internet on social media sites and this...Read More
When companies invest in content creation, they like it to focus on their brand. It’s understandable, but for niche industries creating branded content can be extremely limiting. Data shows that unless you have a universally interesting brand, which most don’t, you’ll find it hard to attract a lot of audience attention with only brand-centric...Read More
As the world rapidly continues to globalize, brands are looking to make it in as many international markets as possible. China offers one of the largest, and generally untapped, markets for brands to bolster their presence with digital marketing. While a firm grasp of Baidu SEO is vital so is understanding how to use social...Read More
We’ve all been taught manners, etiquette, and rules since we were children. It’s how we know the appropriate way to respond and interact in various social situations. When it comes to digital interaction though, social media has its own set of rules that brands, businesses, and individuals need to follow to succeed. With...Read More
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