It’s amazing to think that something so new could have such a foothold in culture, society, and life already. Like any technology, the history of social media is entangled with other advancements that came before it. We wouldn’t have Facebook without the telegraph, and we wouldn’t have Instagram without the first camera. Social media...Read More
Social media and SEO are tightly intertwined today. With users spending on average a third of their Internet time on social media, it’s more important than ever for brands to capitalize on that. But what many companies struggle with is knowing what social media platforms are right for their business and target audience. Trying...Read More
When it comes to an SEO campaign people tend to focus on site optimization, content creation, and link building. They look at search engine ranking, keywords, and conversion rates. But one thing that is often left out of the conversation is social media. For those that are from a generation that grew up without social...Read More
It’s nearly impossible to have a solid SEO (search engine optimization) ranking without social media. Both are about organic content that builds an online identity to attract visitors. It’s all about being seen in today’s digital world. A solid social media presence will only help boost your SEO ranking. Here are the best practices to...Read More
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