In the past, search engine optimization was all about desktops. Web sites were designed to run at their best for this platform. As Smartphone use and mobile searching grew websites started to reluctantly look at mobile. However, all companies did was make sure that their site could run on mobile. Things like the look, speed,...Read More
People download new apps every day, but the truth is that many of them are abandoned or never even used. We uncover how people discover and engage with apps—and what brands can do about app marketing. Before you enjoy that cup of coffee each morning, chances are you’ve already turned to a mobile app to...Read More
[nectar_dropcap color=”#e38674″]S[/nectar_dropcap]o you want to create a killer mobile strategy. But where do you begin? There’s no doubt that mobile has changed daily life and on the spot decision-making. After all, smartphones are the most personal of devices. They stay with us as we move across time, activities, and locations, and they have become the...Read More
Picture this: you’re in New York City for 24 hours. Making the most of your visit may seem daunting, but the latest Google tools are here to help. Starting today in the U.S., when you search on your Google app for the best spots to eat and drink, you’ll have access to reviews from top...Read More
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