5 Tips for Creating Blog Titles that Boost Rankings and Traffic

5 Tips for Creating Blog Titles that Boost Rankings and Traffic- Hilborn Digital | SEO Agency

Creating a title tag is a simple yet fundamental element of any SEO campaign. Titles not only help with SEO rankings, but they also play a major role in attracting users to the site. If you’ve spent time creating blog posts, make sure they have a great title so that people actually see them! Here are a few tips to help you create the best titles possible for your website!


5 Tips for Creating Blog Titles that Boost Rankings and Traffic- Hilborn Digital | SEO Agency



Search results pages can be overwhelming with the amount of information they hold. Not to mention most users want quick and simple answers to their questions. Numbers are a great way to make your content stand out. Users tend to gravitate towards blog titles that have numbers in them. Just look at the title for this post! Numbers help break down information in easy to understand ways.


5 Tips for Creating Blog Titles that Boost Rankings and Traffic- Hilborn Digital | SEO Agency


Example titles: Top 5 App Developers in Toronto, How to Increase Traffic by 27%, 17 Ways to Prepare Your Skin for Summer



Dates are one of the best ways to boost rankings and draw in users. Not only do they play off the power of numbers, but they also signal that your content is fresh. Users want to know they’re reading recent or relevant information. Updating content is also a great way to revitalize old content!


5 Tips for Creating Blog Titles that Boost Rankings and Traffic- Hilborn Digital | SEO Agency


Example titles: 2018 NBA Finals Champions, Best Picture Oscar Nominees 2019, Interior Design Trends in 2019 to Look Out For



Title length may seem like a small issue, but it’s important. Too long or too short and both search engines and users will shun you. Titles that are too short often aren’t specific enough and don’t give enough information about the content on the page. When they’re too long the information is diluted and can come across as spammy. Like Goldie Locks, it’s important to find the middle. Generally, a good title should be around 50-60 characters long.


5 Tips for Creating Blog Titles that Boost Rankings and Traffic- Hilborn Digital | SEO Agency


Example titles: 5 Signs It’s About Time to Take Your Car to a Mechanic, The Best Canadian Retailers You Should Support, SEO vs. PPC: What Exactly are the Differences Between Them?



One of the most frustrating things about SEO today is that search engines don’t always account for variants or synonyms. Maybe you’re trying to target the keyword “best bakery”, but are you accounting for the fact that some users may be searching for variants of that keyword? Users may be searching “top bakery” or “great bakery” instead. Titles are a great chance to rank for variants of your top keywords. This is where keyword research becomes really valuable!


5 Tips for Creating Blog Titles that Boost Rankings and Traffic- Hilborn Digital | SEO Agency


Example titles: This Great Bakery has the Best Croissants in Town, Looking for the Best Bakery? Here are Our Top Picks!, 5 Reasons This Amazing Bakery is Our Go-To Spot



If you’re stuck on a good blog title, why not phrase it as a question? More users are searching using long tail keywords, many in question form. An added bonus to using question titles is that they’re more likely to appear in Google Featured Snippets. With the rise of voice searching as well, question titles could be featured more!


5 Tips for Creating Blog Titles that Boost Rankings and Traffic- Hilborn Digital | SEO Agency


Example titles: What are Signs of a Good SEO Agency to Look for?, Why is My Skin Breaking Out in the Winter?, Where do Birds Migrate to?


Final Thoughts

Creating good blog titles takes a little practice, and it helps if you know your audience. It’s a good idea to not just look at now just what users you’re trying to reach but to look at the users that are already finding you. See what’s drawing them in and work off of that. Keyword research will also help you target the right keywords in titles, but remember not to keyword stuff! If you need help on creating interesting content and titles, contact us today!


5 Tips for Creating Blog Titles that Boost Rankings and Traffic- Hilborn Digital | SEO Agency

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