6 Hidden Instagram Metrics to Look At

Over 1 billion people use Instagram every month and that number continues to grow. Instagram continues to add features to attract users and businesses, such as stories and shopping making it a must-be spot for brands. As a social media marketing agency, we know how important Instagram can be. But what metrics should businesses be looking at to gauge success? Our social media managers break down key Instagram metrics including a few hidden ones that you should be keeping an eye on!


Key Metrics

There are three key metrics every Instagram profile and post shows: Likes, Comments, and Followers. These big three are what brands typically focus on, and there’s a reason why! These three numbers are super important, but many businesses don’t realize that they don’t paint a full picture.


Followers, Likes, and Comments are more superficial metrics. They show engagement, but with so many businesses vying for users’ attention on Instagram, it’s getting harder and harder to get engagement. That’s why Instagram’s hidden metrics are even more important to look at these days.


Hidden Metrics

Business profiles on Instagram have access to extra metrics that basic personal accounts don’t. Brands should take advantage of this extra data to see what’s going on beyond just the key metrics. These numbers give an even better idea of how your content is doing!


Here are some hidden metrics for you to look at:



How often do you scroll on Instagram and see a funny post that you just have to share with your friend? Often, you’re so entertained by it and can’t wait to see your friend’s reaction that you forget to like it. That happens more than brands realize. Shares are a great way to see what sort of content users are passing along. Word of mouth, or DM’s, is key to growing your brand and organic growth so be sure that you’re looking at this metric.



Our social media managers are always stressing to clients how important this metric is. It can take up to ten times of seeing a product before users decide to purchase it. A user may not be ready to buy yet, but by saving it they’re letting you know that they are interested and will probably come back!


Profile Visits

Businesses shouldn’t aim to get users to engage with one post, one time. The goal is to have such an attractive post that new users visit your profile to learn more. If they like what they see they may even become new followers or buyers! Instagram shows you how many profile visits posts get, letting you know how many users are interested in learning more about your brand.


Website Clicks

Whether you offer online sales or provide more information, your website will always be important even on social media. There’s a reason you should always have a link in your bio. When users are really interested in learning more or purchasing that’s where they’ll head. The great news is that Instagram now shows you how many website clicks a post created, letting you know what type of content drives users to your site.



Instagram’s Discovery metrics provide a ton of great insight that social media managers love. This section shows how many accounts were reached, how many new followers you got from a post, and where impressions came from. These numbers really give you a good idea of where users see your content and how many people you actually reached!


Audience Breakdown

Instagram is so great for brands because they provide a ton of data on your followers. Under the audient insight section, you’ll get follower breakdown metrics that show you key data such as follower growth, top locations, age ranges, gender, and most active times. This info is especially great at seeing who your target demographic really is and when you’re most likely to reach them.


The Takeaway

If your business is interested in social media marketing or growing your online following, make sure you’re looking beyond just Engagement and Followers. Instagram’s hidden metrics offer a ton of insight and data that can be used beyond social media.


If you’re looking for help managing your social media profiles or want to invest in social media marketing, contact us today! We’re one of Toronto’s top social media marketing agencies.